Food Waste

Boost Your Profits - Why Food Businesses Should Buy Supplies through QALIL

Imagine a busy market with food suppliers surrounded by fresh produce, much of which ends up unsold and wasted. For restaurants, cloud kitchens, private chefs and buffets, buying these surplus supplies is a game-changer. The solution? WIN Sustainably’s QALIL platform.

The High Cost of Traditional Suppliers

Ingredient costs are a huge burden for food businesses. High prices from traditional suppliers eat into profits, stifle creativity and make it hard to offer competitive prices. Thankfully there's a smarter, more sustainable way to source your ingredients.

The Solution: QALIL

WIN Sustainably’s QALIL platform connects food suppliers with businesses looking to buy high-quality surplus food at lower prices. QALIL is designed for B2B transactions, helping suppliers sell their surplus to other food businesses, not directly to consumers. This reduces unnecissary food waste and gives businesses an affordable, sustainable way to stock their kitchens.

Benefits of Buying Surplus Food

1. Cost Savings: Surplus food on QALIL is much cheaper than traditional retail channels. This frees up your budget for other critical areas like marketing or menu development.

2. High-Quality Ingredients: Surplus food doesn’t mean low quality. It’s often perfectly good food that simply exceeds the supplier's needs. You can maintain high culinary standards while saving money.

3. Increased Profit Margins: Lower ingredient costs mean higher profit margins. These savings can help grow your business, improve customer satisfaction and offer more competitive pricing.

4. Sustainability and Brand Image: Using surplus food helps reduce environmental impact by minimizing waste. This commitment to sustainability boosts your brand’s reputation and attracts eco-conscious customers.

Financial Impact: A Quick Look

Example: Meat

  • Traditional Supplier:Cost per kg: AED 30 monthly purchase: 500 kg total monthly cost: AED 15,000
  • QALIL Surplus Food:Cost per kg: AED 20 monthly purchase: 500 kg total monthly cost: AED 10,000
  • Monthly Savings: AED 5,000
  • Annual Savings: AED 60,000

Example: Vegetables

  • Traditional Supplier:Cost per kg: AED 10 monthly purchase: 1,000 kg total monthly cost: AED 10,000
  • QALIL Surplus Food:Cost per kg: AED 6 monthly purchase: 1,000 kg total monthly cost: AED 6,000
  • Monthly Savings: AED 4,000
  • Annual Savings: AED 48,000

Encouraging the Food Industry to Buy Surplus

Buying surplus food is a win-win for food businesses. It’s cost-effective, high-quality, and sustainable. Here’s how QALIL can help different types of food businesses:

  • Restaurants: Save on food costs and increase profit margins without compromising on quality. Try new dishes using affordable surplus ingredients.
  • Private Chefs: Get high-quality, unique ingredients at lower prices, offering more value to clients.
  • Cloud Kitchens: Lower operational costs by buying surplus food, helping you maintain competitive pricing in the food delivery market.
  • Buffets: Reduce waste and save on bulk ingredient purchases, increasing overall profitability.

How QALIL Works

QALIL’s user-friendly platform makes it easy to find and buy surplus food. Here’s how it works:

  1. Browse Surplus Listings: Access a wide range of surplus food items listed by suppliers, all available at discounted prices here .
  2. Make Your Purchase: Select the ingredients you need and complete your purchase through the platform.
  3. Enjoy Savings and Quality: Receive high-quality surplus food at a fraction of the cost, allowing you to enjoy substantial savings and maintain your culinary standards.

Join the Movement

By using QALIL, food businesses turn a common challenge into a competitive advantage. Lowering your ingredient costs while maintaining quality is a recipe for success. Plus, by participating in this sustainable practice, you’re helping reduce food waste and protect the environment.


Traditional ingredient sourcing is costly and unsustainable. WIN Sustainably ’s QALIL platform offers a better solution, giving food businesses access to high-quality surplus food at lower prices. By using QALIL, you save money, support sustainability and set your business on a path to long-term success.

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